Thursday, May 19, 2016

Indonesian Millitary Strength

Navy ammunition warehouse, damaged by an explosion, at Pondok Dayung island in Jakarta March 5, 2014 Photo : Donal Husni

In 2016, Indonesia again prove as one of the most powerful military in the world, by wining the championship of Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting in Australia, Indonesia for the moment succeed taking 18 Gold, 8 silver, and 4 bronze at the championship.

Since 2008 Indonesian Military always win in the championship, the military personnel only use bullets and weapon that produce by Indonesian Military Company : PT. Pindad, and for eight consecutive year they always win.

The question is do the winning for 8 executive years  proven that Indonesian Military worth to be respected in the world? The answer is yes and no. If we look at the table below :

Mapping of Military Strength Countries in the world

Indonesia is in number 14 base on in 2016 listing military strength, on the map above (click to enlarge) Indonesian seen in the to 20 country with military strength (the more loose the color the more stronger the military strength, according to the site USA still on the number one in military strength in the world). The answer is yes, Indonesia right now is one of the country that should being considered by other country that want to attack, because of the military strength. Although considered in the top 20 of military strength in the world, Indonesia military still have a lot of weakness. Table below will explain in more detail comparative between Indonesia military strength to other country : Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, United Kingdom, China, Russia, and USA :

Source :

Compare to the close neighbor country like Thailand, Indonesia Military Support such as Air Plane, Helicopter, Trainer Air craft still below. With Territory wider than Thailand, Indonesia will be easily attacked from the Air. Compare to Australia that also near Indonesia territory, the air defense also still low. In marines, Indonesia defense and attacking support also still below with other country as listed on the graphic. Lately tension between China and Indonesia regarding to South China Sea dispute ending in diplomacy, Indonesia military have to think twice regarding the China military strength as the number three in the world, answering to the question : no, Indonesian military equipment support still low.

 Indonesia military strength compare to other country is in the man power, although still below China. With only strength in man power of military, Indonesia will be a sitting duck if attacked by powerful country such as China, USA, UK, or event the neighbor Thailand. It will be like when Indonesia attacked by UK force during the bloody fight in Surabaya in 10 November 1945.

Indonesian military fully understand with the situation, with their military technology that still far away from other country, they are in the process to get more additional military equipment and technology that will make them can compete with other country. To fulfill the need, Indonesia will have to spend a lot of money to buy those military equipment to other country such as Russia and China that offer cheap price, but still it will need a lot of money.

This situation should be considered as the top priority, because there is no promising the peace will always stand. As Europe and USA are in bad economy condition, they will find the way to make reasonable and make sense attack to other country to save their economy condition, and at that time Indonesia Military Defense should be ready to protect our lovely Indonesia.

Photo, Text, Graphic Data : Donal Husni

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